Labour members at a Labour party social event
Labour members at a Labour party social event

Folkestone and Hythe CLP is a fantastic group of active, open and welcoming members, working hard to make a difference locally as well as changing the political landscape nationally.

Getting active in your local Party is a great way to:

  • Meet other Labour Party members — and make new like-minded friends in your local area
  • Bring new ideas and enthusiasm to your local Party
  • Make your voice heard in shaping the direction of the Party and Party policy
  • Organise local campaigns and get Labour’s message out to your local community
  • Help Labour win local and general elections!

If you’re thinking about joining, we promise a warm welcome to all new members – click here to join!

Our Constituency Labour Party

The Constituency Labour Party, or CLP, is the hub for local party activity, made up from Labour members in our constituency. Our constituency stretches from Folkestone to the east, to New Romney to the west, and the Elham Valley to the north.

The CLP is run on a day-to-day level by a group of elected officers which is called theExecutive Committee (EC). The officers are chosen each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) by our local membership. This group is responsible for taking decisions in between the All Members’ Meetings, or as an executive body in its own right.

We hold regular meetings to which every member in our constituency is invited to debate current issues.

All Members’ Meetings (AMM) are held on the third Saturday in January, March, May, July, September, November and December.

Labour Party Rules

The CLP follows the model rules and standing orders as set out in the National Rulebook: these guide our work and the way in which meetings are arranged to ensure we are as effective as possible.

You can view or download the rules by clicking here

You can view or download the procedural rules and standing orders by clicking here


If you are a Labour member, you are welcome to attend your local Branch meetings, your Branch AGM (where your Branch Officers are usually elected) and council candidate selection meetings.

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